API Testing and Sandbox

How to test your IntaSend integration and API

Integration Testing Environment

Resources for IntaSend Integration and API testing

IntaSend provides both the sandbox and live environments.

All requests and callback URLs to this environment must be made through a secure network protocol (HTTPS).


No signup is required to test your integration

Get started with our developer environment - so sign-up is required. Start experimenting right away - https://sandbox.intasend.com/

Sandbox / Development Environment

Sign up for the sandbox environment for your development and testing.

Sign up URL: https://sandbox.intasend.com/

API base URL: https://sandbox.intasend.com/api/

Live environment for your production.

Sign up URL: https://payment.intasend.com/account/signup/

API base URL: https://payment.intasend.com/api/

Testing details for sandbox environment

Test card numbers

445653 00 0000 1096Any future dateAny 3 digits
445653 00 0000 3134Any future dateAny 3 digits
4242 4242 4242 4242Any future dateAny 3 digits
520000 00 0000 1096Any future dateAny 3 digits
520000 00 0000 3092Any future dateAny 3 digits

Test M-Pesa Phone Number

Send money test number 254708374149.

You can use your own number for the M-Pesa deposit/STK push. We are using the M-Pesa developers platform which does a reversal of all test amounts within 48 hours.