Fund Wallet

How to fund a wallet using M-Pesa and Card

How to Fund Wallet with M-Pesa STK Push

The collection M-Pesa STK Push API enables you to directly bill a client and have the funds deposited to the specified wallet_id. To implement this, simply provide a wallet_id as one of the fields options in the M-Pesa STK Push API.

Below is an example of direct wallet funding with the M-Pesa STK Push API in Python. The same can be implemented in other language by simply parsing a wallet_id field in the request payload. See the M-Pesa STK Push for more details.

from intasend import APIService

publishable_key = "INTASEND_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"

service = APIService(token=token,publishable_key=publishable_key, test=True)

response ="<TARGETED-WALLET-ID", email=email, phone_number="2547..",
                                amount=amount, currency="KES", narrative="Deposit", 
use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Wallet;

$wallet = new Wallet();

$response = $wallet->fund_mpesa_stk_push($wallet_id="<wallet_id>", $phone_number='2547...',$email='[email protected]', $amount=10, $api_ref="API Request");
const IntaSend = require('intasend-node');

const intasend = new IntaSend(/*...Authenticate*/)

let wallets = intasend.wallets();
    first_name: 'Joe',
    last_name: 'Doe',
    email: '[email protected]',
    host: '',
    amount: 10,
    phone_number: '254....',
    api_ref: 'test',
  .then((resp) => {
    console.log(`Response: ${JSON.stringify(resp)}`);
  .catch((err) => {

How to Fund Wallet Using the Checkout API

The Checkout Link API can be used to directly fund a wallet. To do this, you simply provide a wallet_id of the wallet you would like to fund during the Checkout API request. The API will generate a secure payment URL where you can redirect the user to complete payment. This option provide support for both M-Pesa and Card payments.

Here is an example of the Checkout Link API with the targeted wallet_id added as one of the fields.

from intasend import APIService

publishable_key = "INTASEND_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
service = APIService(publishable_key=publishable_key, test=True)

response = service.collect.checkout(wallet_id="<TARGETED-WALLET-ID>", phone_number="2547...",
                                    email="[email protected]", amount=1000, currency="KES", 
                                    comment="Deposit", redirect_url='')
use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Wallet;
use IntaSend\IntaSendPHP\Customer;

$wallet = new Wallet();

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->first_name = "Joe";
$customer->last_name = "Doe";
$customer->email = "[email protected]";
$customer->country = "KE";

$host = "";
$redirect_url = "";

$ref_order_number = "fund-wallet-10";

$response = $wallet->fund_checkout($wallet_id="<wallet_id>", $phone_number='2547..', $currency='USD', 
                                   $customer=$customer, $amount=10, $host=$host, 
                                   $redirect_url=$redirect_url, $api_ref=$ref_order_number, 
                                   $card_tarrif = "BUSINESS-PAYS", $mobile_tarrif = "BUSINESS-PAYS");
    first_name: 'Joe',
    last_name: 'Doe',
    email: '[email protected]',
    host: '',
    amount: 10,
    currency: 'KES',
    api_ref: 'test',
    wallet_id: '<wallet_id>',
  .then((resp) => {
    // Redirect user to URL to complete payment
    console.log(`Charge Response:`, resp);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error(`Charge error:`, err);

The successful response contains a payment URL. Redirect the user to the URL to complete payment. On successful payment, the funds will be deposited in the targeted wallet_id instead of the default SETTLEMENT wallet.