Flutter (Mobile Dev Plugin)

How to integrate IntaSend with Flutter for IOS and Android applications

How to accept online payments with IntaSend on your mobile app

How to install IntaSend Flutter package

Check https://pub.dev/packages/intasend_flutter/install the official package for installation instructions. Be sure to install and use the latest.

How to use

Flutter plugins enable you to set up a Checkout Link API and render it on a webview. You'll require your public key. Consider using Webhooks to update your backend when the user pays, and probably send a push notification or update the user interface on payment success.

import 'package:intasend_flutter/models/checkout.dart';
import 'package:intasend_flutter/intasend_flutter.dart';

// How to initiate the checkout widget
Checkout checkout = Checkout(
    publicKey: "<PUBLIC-KEY>",
    amount: 10.01,
    email: "[email protected]",
    currency: "USD",
    firstName: "Joe",
    lastName: "Doe");

// Add test to true in sandbox environment. Use false to go live
    test: true, checkout: checkout, context: context);

Code example

Check out https://pub.dev/packages/intasend_flutter/example for a complete code example on initiating checkout view on button press.